Water consumption and effluent generation
Water is considered a key natural resource in the papermaking process. In this plant, water is harvested from the Piracicaba river, upstream of the municipality of Piracicaba. With a grant value of 700m3/h, the treatment stages comprises: grating, harvesting, flocculation, decanting, filtering, disinfection, storage and distribution to the process.
OJI PAPÉIS ESPECIAIS has sought to optimize its papermaking process. In these stages, one of the major objectives is to reduce water consumption through environmental projects or technological innovations.
Daily granted volume 16,800 m3.
Graph showing raw water consumption (m3/ton of paper).
After using water in the papermaking process, effluent generation occurs. In order to return such effluent to the receiving body, it is necessary to remove its impurities to avoid environmental impacts. The grant value for releasing effluent is 693.7m³/h.
The company has two effluent treatment plants, that is, a primary and a secondary treatment process. The primary process involves a physical and chemical treatment and the secondary process involves a biological treatment through activated sludge.
In these treatment stages, solid waste is generated. Most of the waste generated comes from physical and chemical treatment and the remainder is generated from biological treatment. Classified as Class II A waste (non-hazardous and non-inert) according to NBR10.004, waste generation reaches an amount of 850 ton/month (wet).
OJI PAPÉIS ESPECIAIS develops strategies for the management of its solid waste, aiming to: define, plan, and implement goals to transform waste in a viable and sustainable way.
The solid waste generated from the production process has as main destination ceramics plants, through the co-processing technique for the manufacture of bricks. Part of it is also reused to produce organic compounds by using the composting technique.
Environmental Control
We seek to continuously improve our processes and apply technologies for sustainable development, thus ensuring compliance with laws.
The company monitors atmospheric emissions and effluent releases every year, together with NBR 17025-certified companies hired, in addition to having an environmental control laboratory, where the main analyses are carried out to verify and control the environmental performance of its facilities. Results of BOD, COD, pH, sedimentable solid material, temperature analyses, including other parameters, are reported quarterly to the environmental agency.
95% of hazardous waste (class I) are sent for co-processing and to cement plants.
The company always operates by effectively using all waste generated, seeking to attain the "zero waste to landfill" goal.